The purpose of this confidentiality policy is to inform you, as a user of the website (hereinafter the "Website") published by the French Society of Cardiology, of the characteristics of the processing of your personal data as well as your rights in this regard. The French Society of Cardiology processes data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European ...
LEGAL NOTICE You are currently browsing the website (herein after the "Webite") published by the French Society of Cardiology, a recognized association of public utility ...
NOTICE LÉGALE Vous vous trouvez actuellement sur le site Internet (ci-après le "Site") édité par la Société Française de Cardiologie, association reconnue d'utilité publ ...
This website lists all MRI-compatible stimulation and defibrillation devices (leads and devices) and implantable cardiac monitors. It is regularly updated by manufacturers. A benefit to risk ratio as ...
La création d'un site web avec Joomla est simple, le déploiement de ce site exemple vous y aidera. Les quelques principes de base présentés ci-dessous vous guideront dans la compréhension de ce logic ...